Monday, March 21, 2011

Update and Such

I went to the doctor today.  She is a fine doctor and I trust her.  She is of the opinion that my symptoms might be more related to dairy than wheat.  I could have a blood test for celiac disease, but the doctor is of the opinion that if it is wheat, the test would not be able to confirm it since it tests for symptoms relating to the stomach, which I don't have.  It it Lent, so really, I am going to be eliminating wheat.  I will have testing for environmental allergies on June first.  Stay tuned. 

Yesterday, I drove back to Canada with a sick child and dog.  I lost count on the times my little one threw-up, but we made it back.  At one point I stopped for paper towels and hand sanitizer.  I begged for a trash bag from the young man at the gas bar.  The towels made a nice "nest" for the future times he was sick, and it made for faster clean up.  I think I shall always travel with paper towels and a trash bad.  My dog will not go on long trips again unless he has drugs.

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