Saturday, January 30, 2010


Is it any wonder that in the middle of the winter we dress our homes with color and light. The Winter can be so bleak, yet, only in the stillness we can hear that small voice in our hearts leading us on the path. How natural our lives are in their cycles. When we allow ourselves to accept the cycles and listen to the still soft voice, when we take our life as a journey and an adventure, we then begin to learn the lessons we are meant to learn. Sometimes the lessons are big and require a time of dormancy when we can focus our lives to listen to the lesson. What a better time to listen than in the winter when the snow falls and that special quiet fills the earth around us? That stillness of the snow fall, is the stillness often times required to hear the voice in our hearts. May we all when we find ourselves in a deep winter of our life path, stop and listen with an open heart and mind to the voice of truth that may be trying to get our attention.
In the Scripture it says, "Be still and know that I am the God"

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Winter in all her furry and bleakness still give us such beauty for comfort and joy. I remember the first time I realized that even in the darkness of winter we have such wonderful colors. For me, it is like this in grief and hardship I see the beauty and the beauty takes me through. I count them as gifts. The journey I have been on this last year has taken me to places of despair and pain I have not known before, but along with these pains and trails, I have had beauty and joy. I say joy for specific reasons. I believe joy dispels fear and despair. I believe it revives the soul. I have understood more and felt emotions more, or at least to a greater degree or depth, but I have seen greater beauty in my brother and sister as well as the events of my journey. In the frozen winter of my journey or even of the season we have found ourselves, I recall the beauty that surrounds me every day. While too much ice can cause tree loss or power outages, still in the natural beauty we are reminded that there can be joy in the depths of our pain.