Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The loss of a loved one leaves a hole in the heart their particular shape and size. Even though their memory lives on, the loss of their living energy shocks us. Death is not a wonderful thing at all. It may be part of the process, but it is not a wonderful thing. Memory Eternal.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Natural Life

I think one day science will prove that we are more connected to each other than we have any idea we are. I think we live in the world connected to each other in what we do and do not do. It's like the butterfly effect, only I think our connectedness speaks to the fact that we are of the same stuff. Our disconnectedness or feeling of disconnectedness speaks to the fact that we are not living natural lives as we were created to live. I am not speaking of "progress". I am speaking of love. When we mislove or delove or unlove, we are not natural and we create pain and suffering all around us. The other side is true. When we love, and love freely, we heal and are healed and we live natural lives. Love connects us in a circle of love. Love the one next to you and save the world.