Thursday, March 19, 2009

Listening and Creating

I have found that when I relax and let things happen, unfold, that life is better for me. When I try to assert my will on a situation, as tempting as it always is, my life is harder. It is that way with making art. When I let go of the process, and listen to what I call the back of my head, the piece works. When I go into a "meditative" mode in making, my art is so much better. I still consider everything, I just listen to the piece in a different way. When I have conceived a work in my head in its completeness it is as if it has already been formed and done. I can no longer create it, if I try it falls apart. If I let go of a concept and let it "live" its life as it were, I can then create it. I have to listen to the process, and clay for my pieces to work. When I impose my will on them, the do not work. I find that is true with the rest of my life. When I let go and let things go along a natural path, my life is good. When I make things up in my head the way they should me, things don't go as well for me. I find I have to listen, or read my life and live that way rather than creating it all in my head first.

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