Thursday, March 25, 2010


Today most traditional Christians celebrate the Annunciation. In the Orthodox tradition, the hymn of the day, the Tropar, starts with "Today is the beginning of our salvation". Today. Now. How can something that is suppose to have happen in the past be today? We enter into the narrative, we put on the glasses of the text through which we see our lives. For those in the Orthodox Church, today is the day of the beginning of the nativity narratives. Today we celebrate that God became one of us so that we can become like him, not him, but like him. That means we get to do what he does. That means we get to change the world through love of neighbor, through selfless acts, through emptying ourselves so that others might live. Not easy. One of my favorite Christmas sermons said that the incarnation was like the baker becoming the cake. I like that. It gives the illogical nature of what we proclaim in a simple image. How can this be true? No logic. None. If anyone tells you there is logic in this, they either do not understand, or are deceiving themselves and you. Yet, we affirm that today is the beginning of our salvation, of our hope, of our being able to enter into the life of the gospel . Today we enter into love.

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